Gaurav Rajput IPS is working as DIG Women’s Crime Branch, Indore Police. His commitment to women rights is not new in Madhya Pradesh. He started serving police as an ASP from Indore city in 2006. His twelve years of sincere services in police made him popular amongst the criminals for his quick actions. He prefers to share experiences with the public to increase awareness and decrease the crime rate in the area. He also believes that the public learn lessons from the live incidences than from the stories. GauravRajput IPS is associated with Mission Suprabhat. Being a firm believer in hard work. He is active in the field against women crime and their human rights. GauravRajput IPS , MP says that the country is lacking behind because the women are not taking a stand for their own betterment. But with the involvement of mission Suprabhat, girls of all age groups have started taking the interest. Now they want to learn more facts regarding their fundamental rights, ...
Gaurav Rajput IPS belong to Madhya Pradesh Cadre. Gaurav Rajput IPS Promoted as DIG (Deputy Inspector general of Police) in 2018, Gaurav Rajput now is serving as DIG (Crime against Women) Indore.