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Gaurav Rajput [IPS] Wearing Helmets Is A Simple Choice Between Life And Death

Your safety lies in your own hands. “When we will wake up people will also initiate towards it” these were the words of policemen in Mandla. Road accidents are increasing day by day. The bikers and other two-wheeler riders are ignoring the safety measures. Which gave rise to deadly accidents, death on the spot and other major happenings. Considering these aspects an awareness rally was organized in the town Mandla, in Madhya Pradesh.

In order to promote the helmet rule strictly, Mandla city police organized the awareness bike rally. In which a group of 100 policemen wore helmets while riding the bikes. The rally was flagged off by Gaurav Rajput IPS at Police Control Room in Mandla, the convoy rode through Uday chowk, Ambedkar Chowk, Lalipur, Nehru Smarak and ended at Maharajpur spreading the words of knowledge in the people.

During the rally IPS, Gaurav Rajput quoted that, “People were informed to wear helmets through this vehicle rally. If the policemen will wear helmets, the local people will also wear helmets with more enthusiasm for their safety”.

It is important to get familiar with the risks of riding without a helmet. As wearing a helmet gives plenty of good reasons to be safe. Here are a few of them:

• Reduction in injuries and on spot deaths. During the flag off ceremony, Gaurav Rajput(ips) spoke that the death rate has been decreased in road accidents after people started following the helmet rule.

• It protects head, brain, and face on the first instance. The helmet is the only safety guard that protects the rider’s head. More than this, a helmet also protects the eyes from dust and lights while riding.

• More than this wearing a helmet means you are obeying the traffic rules and acting like a responsible citizen of the country.

To increase the awareness city’s Transport officer, Gopal Manohar Shah issued a strict instruction that ‘do not issue a license without the helmets’. This step increased the sale of helmets in the town! When the rally passed through the main areas people started showing interest in buying the helmets. The generous message to make helmets your best friends while riding a two-wheeler was welcomed across the city with open heart.

Keywords: gaurav rajput, gaurav rajput ips, gaurav rajput ips mp


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